VorkommenLinks (1)Fundmeldungen

2. Biologie

2.1. Nahrung der Raupe

Die Präimaginalstadien sind noch unbekannt!

3. Weitere Informationen

3.1. Etymologie (Namenserklärung)

Falck (2023: 664) erklärt: "The species is named after the characteristic ochre-coloured stripe on the forewing."

3.2. Taxonomie

Falck (2023: 664)informiert: "DNA barcodes (Figure 54): The specimen was sequenced, resulting in DNA barcode fragments of 638 bp. The barcode falls within Barcode Index Number (BIN) BOLD: AEC1614. The minimum p-distance to nearest neighbour an undescribed Scythris-species is 6.94%. Diagnose: S. ochrelinella resembles superficially S. rondaensis Bengtsson, 1997. It can be distinguished by the distinct ochre stripe bordered by black and white and the dark grey hindwing, in S. rondaensis the forewing is black with two indistinct, smaller ochre dots, the hindwing is brownish and more pointed." Derr Autor merkt an: "It is not possible to place S. ochrelinella into one of the Scythris species-groups erected by Bengtsson (1997). S. rondaensis belongs to the cistorum species-group, which in the male genitalia is characterized by strongly sclerotized, more or less asymmetrical parts in the male genitalia; valvae with small lobes (Bengtsson, 1997, p. 124)."

3.3. Faunistik

Die Art ist bisher nur durch einen einzelnen Falter von Arona auf Teneriffa (Kanarische Inseln) bekannt.

3.4. Typenmaterial

Falck (2023: 664) beschrieb die Art nach einem Einzelfalter: "Holotype ♂: SPAIN, Tenerife, Arona, 21-V-3-VI-2019, leg. P: Falck, genitalia slide 3003PF, DNA sample Lepid Phyl 0397PF/CILEP396-20 (PF later MNCN)."

(Autor: Erwin Rennwald)

3.5. Literatur