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3. Weitere Informationen

3.1. Etymologie (Namenserklärung)

Gyulai (2022: 86): erklärt: "The new species is named in the honor of Ms. Valentina Zurilina, collector of a short series."

3.2. Taxonomie und Faunistik

Gyulai (2022: 86) vergleicht seine neue Art vor allem mit Anarta sabulorum und deren Unterart rhodina: "Anarta valentinaae sp. n. (Figs 1–4) conspicuously differs from all the Palaearctic congeners by the silver greyish forewings. Further differential characters that distinguish from the closest relative A. sabulorum rhodina (Figs 5–8) are: the larger wingspan (36–40 mm and 31–36 mm, respectively); less sharp forewing pattern; the pale orbicular spot and larger, pale greyish, basally whitish reniform stigma and black dot-like claviform stigma; the whitish medial area in the hindwing with scattered greyish scales and the greyish and white cilia." Hinzu kommen Unterschiede in den Genitalien beider Geschlechter - Barcode-Daten scheint es keine zu geben.

Die neue Art ist vorerst nur vom Typenfundort im Nordkaukasus bekannt: "The new species is known from the type locality only, which is a rocky gorge (1000 m) in a moderate high plateau in the northern Caucasus."

3.3. Typenmaterial

Gyulai (2022: 86) listet: "Holotype: male, Russia, N Caucasus, Dagestan, Gubden vill., Karabudakhkentsky dist., 1000 m, 21. V. 2021, leg. V. Zurilina, GYP 5790 (coll. P. Gyulai, Miskolc, Hungary). Paratypes: 3 m, 1 f, with the same data; but one-one male with the dates 22. V. 2021. and 23. V. 2021. (PGM); slide nos. GYP 5594m, 5789f."

(Autor: Erwin Rennwald)

3.4. Literatur