VorkommenLinks (2)Fundmeldungen
Original description

1. Live pictures

1.1. Imago

2. Diagnosis

2.1. Original description

3. Further information

3.1. Other combinations

3.2. Synonyms

  • Problepsis hemicyclata Warren, 1897 [synonym according to funet.fi]
  • Problepsis candidior Prout, 1917 [synonym according to funet.fi]
  • Problepsis deparcata Prout, 1925 [synonym according to funet.fi]
  • Problepsis wilemani West, 1930 [synonym according to funet.fi]
  • Problepsis argentifila Prout, 1934 [synonym according to funet.fi]
  • Problepsis aphylacta Prout, 1938 [synonym according to funet.fi]

3.3. Faunistics

Xue et al. (2018) mention the species for the first time from China.

3.4. Literature

3.5. Information at other websites (external links)