2. Diagnose
2.1. Männchen
2.2. Nomen novum
3. Weitere Informationen
3.1. Andere Kombinationen
- Synopsia kindermannaria Staudinger, 1871 [Originalkombination]
3.2. Faunistik
Nach der Fauna Europaea (Fauna Europaea Web Service. Last update 22 December 2009. Version 2.1. Available online at [http://fauna.naturkundemuseum-berlin.de]): "not in (Karsholt, O. & Razowski, J., Eds. 1996); recently recorded for southern Urals". Müller et al. (2019: 340) konkretisieren: "East Palaearctic. - In Europe only recorded in a few localities slightly west of southernmost Ural mountains. - Local in the Urals, now and then found in numbers (k. Nupponen, pers. comm.). - Outside Europe widespread from Kazakhstan through southern Siberia, Mongolia, Dahuria and China to Far East Russia; to the south in parts of China and in northern Tibet."
(Autor: Erwin Rennwald)
Nach [Global Biodiversity Information Facility] kommt die Art in Russland, Kasachstan, Usbekistan, Kirgisistan, Turkmenistan, Georgien, und der Mongolei vor.
Locus typicus: Russland (Autor: Harald Lahm)
3.3. Literatur
- Anikin, V. V., Sachkov, S. A., Zolotuhin, V. V. & E. M. Antonova (2000): “Fauna lepidopterologica Volgo-Uralensis” 150 years later: changes and additions. Part 3. Geometridae (Insecta, Lepidoptera). — Atalanta 31 (1/2): 293-326 [PDF auf zobodat.at].
- Müller, B., Erlacher, S., Hausmann, A., Rajaei, H., Sihvonen, P. & P. Skou (2019): The Geometrid Moths of Europe. Volume 6. Subfamily Ennominae II (Boarmiini, Gnophini, additions to previous volumes). — Part 1: 1-562, part 2: 563-906. Leiden & Boston (Brill).
- Seitz, A. (Hrsg.) (1909-1914). Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde. Band 4: I-V, 1-479, I-IV, pl. 1-25. Stuttgart (Alfred Kernen Verlag).
- Nomen novum: Staudinger, O. & M. Wocke (1871): Catalog der Lepidopteren des europäischen Faunengebiets. 1-426. Dresden (O. Staudinger).