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3. Weitere Informationen

3.1. Andere Kombinationen

3.2. Taxonomie und Faunistik

Kudrna et al. (2011) erläutern: "C. orientalis was previously treated either as a subspecies of C. gardetta (Prunner, 1798) or of C. leander (Esper, 1784): Boillat (1991), Coutsis & Ghavalas (2005) and Wiemers (2007). In the previous version of the atlas, records from Bosnia and Serbia were attributed to C. gardetta, whereas those from Albania and Greece to C. leander. Molecular data indicate differentiation of C. orientalis from both C. gardetta and C. leander (Wiemers & Verovnik in prep.). Therefore this taxon is provisionally regarded as a distinct species."

Auch Tshikolovets (2011) und die Fauna Europaea [Fauna Europaea, last update 23 July 2012, Version 2.5] akzeptieren den Artstatus.

Das Verbreitungsgebiet der Art reicht von Bosnien-Herzegowina, Montenegro, den Westen Serbiens, Albanien bis ins nordwestliche Griechenland.

3.3. Literatur