VorkommenLinks (2)Fundmeldungen

1. Imago

2. Further information

2.1. Subspecies

  • Heteronympha penelope sterope Waterhouse, 1937 [subspecies according to funet.fi]
  • Heteronympha penelope alope Waterhouse, 1937 [subspecies according to funet.fi]
  • Heteronympha penelope diemeni Waterhouse, 1937 [subspecies according to funet.fi]
  • Heteronympha penelope panope Waterhouse, 1937 [subspecies according to funet.fi]
  • Heteronympha penelope maraia Tindale, 1952 [subspecies according to funet.fi]

2.2. Faunistics

Nach [Global Biodiversity Information Facility] kommt die Art in Australien und Japan? vor.

(Autor: Michel Kettner)

2.3. Literature

  • Original description: Waterhouse, G. A. (1937): On the Identity of the Butterfly Known in Australia as Heteronympha philerope Boisd., 1832. — The Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 62: 253-258. — Digital version at biodiversitylibrary.org: [text].

2.4. Informations from other websites (external links)