VorkommenLinks (2)Fundmeldungen

2. Weitere Informationen

2.1. Typenmaterial

Bálint & Karbalaye (2020: 330): “Holotype, ♂ (Figs 1, 2), in good condition, set dorsally (PPDRI): “Holotype Iran, Kordestan 10km east of Paveh, M. Shaho 3200-3350m 18.july 2020 Leg. Ahmad Karbalaye”. Paratypes: 1♀, allotype (Figs 3, 4) (PPDRI), 33♂, 7♀ (AK), 4♂, 3♀ (HNHM), 6♂ (Figs 5–8), 3♀ (RA) with the same label. Dissections: HNHM Bálint genitalia preparation numbers 1765 (male; mounted as HNHM Tóth B. genitalia preparation No. 2024), 1766 (female), 1767 (male; mounted as HNHM Tóth B. genitalia preparation No. 2043).”

2.2. Literatur

  • Erstbeschreibung: Bálint, Zs. & A. Karbalaye (2020): Plebejus alizadehorum sp. n. from Western Iran (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae: Polyommatinae: Polyommatini). — Кавказский энтомологический бюллетень 16 (2): 329-334. [PDF auf ssc-ras.ru]