VorkommenLinks (4)Fundmeldungen

2. Weitere Informationen

2.1. Etymologie (Namenserklärung)

Karsholt & Sinev (2004: 421): “The name of the new species is derived from Latin: virgatus = motley, or variegated.”

2.2. Typenmaterial

Karsholt & Sinev (2004: 420): “Holotype, ♀: ‘Madeira, 500 m, Chau da Ribeira, 14.IX.1997 O. Karsholt’; ‘Zool. Museum DK Copenhagen’; ‘Genit. slide ♀ 0289/Sinev, Euparal, X.1998’; ‘Holotypus ♀ Blastobasis virgatella Karsholt et Sinev’ (ZMUC).

Paratype: 1 ♀ (abdomen missing), [Madeira] Wollaston, B[ethune]-Baker Coll. 13700 (BNMH).”

2.3. Literatur