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3. Weitere Informationen

3.1. Taxonomie

Huemer & van Nieukerken (2021: 331) sehen noch viele ungelöste Fragen: "Scythris argentierella was described from a female holotype and randomly compared with several superficially similar species such as S. staudingeri Jäckh, 1978 (Nel 2014a). However, the DNA barcode sequence of the holotype is nearest to S. laminella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775), a species belonging to a different species group, with ca. 6% divergence. As several species of Scythris remain without sequences, and the male of S. argentierella is still unknown, the taxonomic status will have to be re-assessed in the future."

3.2. Typenmaterial

Nel (2014: 7) beschrieb die Art nach einem einzigen ♀: « HOLOTYPE : femelle, France, Hautes-Alpes, L'Argentière-la-Bessée, 16 juillet 2013, 1200 m, J. Nel leg., prép. gen. JN n° 27703, coll. J. Nel à La Ciotat. »

(Autor: Erwin Rennwald)

3.3. Literatur