VorkommenLinks (6)Fundmeldungen

2. Weitere Informationen

2.1. Publikationsjahr der Erstbeschreibung

Die Fauna Europaea [Fauna Europaea, last update 23 July 2012, version 2.5] nennt "2003" als Jahr der Erstbeschreibung; auf dem Heft steht aber: "2003 (Issue 3/4) [published: January 31, 2004]".

2.2. Taxonomie

"Elachista tanaella sp. n. is described from northernmost Norway. It differs from other Elachista species of the region by plain grey forewings, distally wide valvae with large hump in the male genitalia and in the female genitalia by a long tube-like colliculum gradually widening into the antrum. The habitat are bogs just above the timberline dominated by Carex rotundata."

(Aarvik & Berggren (2004)

2.3. Faunistik

Locus typicus: Norwegen, FN Tana, Faccabæljåkka, 270 m.

2.4. Literatur

2.5. Informationen auf anderen Websites (externe Links)