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1. Lebendfotos

1.1. Falter

2. Diagnose

2.1. Männchen

3. Weitere Informationen

3.1. Etymologie (Namenserklärung)

Fibiger, Nilsson, & Svendsen (1999: 649): “D. adelfi is named after Mt. Adelfi (1611 m), an isolated ridge of the Troodos mountains.”

3.2. Faunistik

U.a. nach der Fauna Europaea (Fauna Europaea Web Service. Last update 22 December 2009. Version 2.1. Available online at [http://fauna.naturkundemuseum-berlin.de]) auf Zypern; in Europa i.e.S. fehlend.

3.3. Typenmaterial

Fibiger, Nilsson, & Svendsen (1999: 648): “Holotype, male (fig. 52), Cyprus: south, Troodos mts., Adelfi above Khandria, 1600 m, 24.vi.1997 (leg. M. Fibiger, D. Nilsson, A. Madsen & P. Svendsen, coll. M. Fibiger.” — Paratypen: 54 ♂♂ und 18 ♀♀, alle aus Zypern.

3.4. Literatur

  • Erstbeschreibung: Fibiger, M., Nilsson, D. & P. Svendsen (1999): Contribution to the Noctuidae fauna of Cyprus, with descriptions of four new species, six new subspecies, and reports of 55 species not previously found on Cyprus (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). — Esperiana 7: 639-667, pl. XXIV-XXV.